Simple Timesheet

Capture clock on/off, project details, and team info. Includes overtime approvers, 7-day coverage, and admin payroll section. Ideal for small businesses.


Simple Timesheet Template
This straightforward timesheet is designed to capture the essential details
• Clock on/off times
• The project worked on for the day
• Who the staff member worked with
• Project details
Streamlining Overtime Approvals
To save time for staff, include the names of those authorised to approve overtime directly on the form.
How to Add Approvers
1. Navigate to Settings > Forms > Timesheet.
2. Open the form.
3. Locate the field labelled “Person who is approving overtime” for each day.
4. Add the names of the approvers—one name per field.
• Seven-Day Workweek Covers all days, making it versatile for any schedule.
• Administrative Section At the bottom of the page, admin staff can fill out key payroll information, including
o Total Hours
o Gross Wages
o Less Tax
o Net Wages
o Superannuation
Ideal Use Case
This timesheet is perfect for small companies that prefer to maintain paper records while ensuring the form is simple for staff to complete and update as needed.

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