Email Inbox

Get your own ServiceM8 email address. Forward emails directly to your dispatch board so they can be converted to jobs.


Inbox is a fast way to convert emails into new jobs. You can forward job-related emails directly into ServiceM8, including all attachments, where they can be converted to a new job. If the email is from an existing client it will even automatically assign the job to them.

Alternatively, if the email relates to an existing job, you can search and attach the email to an existing job.

How does it work?

When you activate the ServiceM8 Inbox in your account, you're given your own ServiceM8 email address. Any emails forwarded to this address will arrive in your Inbox, accessible in the top-right of your Online Dashboard or in the More tab of the ServiceM8 app.

To convert an Inbox message into a new job, select the message, and then press Convert to Job. If the email is from an existing client, then the new job will be created with their details. All information in the email is transferred automatically to the job diary, with the original email and any attachments now part of your new job in a single step.
